European Patent For Puustelli Miinus Furniture
The entire innovative Puustelli Miinus kitchen furniture system, including details, has been been patented. The furniture parts, in particular the cabinet frame structures, feature a number of patented details. The holes to join the frames and to mount the hinges, mechanisms and drawer rails have been ready made in conjunction with injection molding. The Miinus furniture system is the most innovative invention in the global furniture industry for decades.
Our certificate is recognized across the EU
Key Flag for Finnishness
The Key Flag certificate is awarded for products made or services provided in Finland that have a domestic content of at least 50%. With a domestic content of as much as 85%, Puustelli products are very much Key Flag products.
Products conform to FI standards
Puustelli products conform to standards and are safe, lasting and of high quality. Products already covered by the label are constantly monitored and inspections are carried out at regular intervals on site. New product groups are always subject to extensive testing and inspections before qualifying for the collection.
M1 emissions classification for building materials
The indoor air measurement result for Miinus kitchens undercuts the cleanest result by as much as half the best M1 indoor air quality rating specified. Also almost all Puustelli’s extensive range of materials and products are included in the best M1 indoor air quality rating.

Our internationally recognized certificates
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
Puustelli addresses competence, sustainability, quality and reliability. The quality management system to which Puustelli has committed is already unique in terms of scope across the furniture industry. The system covers all of Puustelli’s operations. All areas of the company’s operations are subject to regular reviews which extend from management to product development, procurements, production, services, marketing, store operations, transport and installation.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
Puustelli is covered by the world’s best-known environmental management system. The ISO 14001 standard indicates the company’s commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. In our own operations, we strive for minimum adverse environmental impact, including responsible procurement of materials, production methods and our entire operations.
ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System
Certification means that Puustelli has its employees at heart. The base line is to improve health and safety, reduce workplace risks and ensure even healthier and safer working conditions. Our operations address employee training, competence, sustainability and reliability.

There is one and only one kitchen brand that, based on thorough research and carbon footprint calculations, can be called an ecological kitchen. This kitchen has been developed in Finland and is the Puustelli Miinus kitchen. For ecological reasons, widely-used furniture materials have been removed or minused.

The Miinus is a kitchen of ecological principle that remains at the heart of its values: durability, modifiability, non-toxicity, easy-care, re-use and recyclability of materials. Traditionally used furniture boards have been completely eliminated from a Miinus kitchen and replaced by more ecological alternatives.

Puustelli spent no less than four years on development work to create an ecological kitchen. The key ambition was to reduce the carbon footprint in furniture manufacture, taking into account the entire lifecycle of the furniture.

The Miinus kitchen is the perfected outcome of sustainable development and is based on completely different starting points and values than its counterparts. The ambition was to create the most ecological and carbon neutral, sustainable kitchen covering the entire lifecycle of the furniture.

In 2020, we added a set-off part to our original Puustelli 2013 Natural Steps program. We offset the carbon footprint arising in the furniture manufacture of each Puustelli kitchen through concrete action by various environmental actors.

Puustelli has been Finland’s largest kitchen manufacturer and best-selling* kitchen brand since back in 1983. This is probably no coincidence. Miinus kitchens are made at the same Puustelli production facilities in Harjavalta as all other Puustelli furniture. We make the most ecological material alternatives available to everyone thinking about buying a kitchen as well as the latest innovations to make household chores easier.

The Miinus Ecological Kitchen brochure features inspiring ecological kitchen concepts and kitchen design tips. You’ll get inspiring ideas of different kitchen styles, but bear in mind that each Miinus kitchen is designed exactly to your wishes.