The design and implementation of FosbArt doors bears the mark of Puustelli. The rough surface of the door comes to life in a very special way in the production process. The colours and brushed surface make each door a unique work of art. Clean materials and our non-toxic production process mean that each FosbArt door has the best M1 indoor air quality rating. Fosb furniture board is more finely grained than the familiar OSB and engineered especially for furniture. The wood chips prominently on display give a roughness and can also be felt on the surface. Surface brushing and the splendour brought by hundreds of colours make the unique patterns burst into a dazzlingly beautiful art collection.
FOSB = Furniture Oriented Strand Board
The Unique range of doors is the exact alternative to create an industrial style. The unique rough-brushed surface of the doors brings each colour alternative to life in an incredible way. The doors a personal interior designer’s dream come true.